Facilitating Virtually
This course is designed for trainers, facilitators and learning designers who are required to establish facilitate, monitor and review eLearning programs delivered online through webinars, discussion boards and other forms of electronic media.
The course takes participants through the process of facilitating an effective eLearning experience, from establishing the eLearning environment, through to guiding and facilitating the eLearning experience and reviewing the outcomes of the eLearning program.
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Matthew Mason
Brisbane, Queensland
Matthew is the Chief Learning Architect at Superb Learning, a digital learning agency. He is a multi-award-winning learning designer with over 20 years experience designing and developing learning experiences.
His focus is on helping people share knowledge to create impact through superb learning experiences. He works on building designs that move beyond one and done learning events, to a campaign-based approach to learning.
Matthew has been recognised as a Certified Learning Professional (CLP) and a Certified Online Learning Facilitator (COLF).